Board of Trustees Election Results of
Sunday 5/16/2014
The BJC held it's 9th Board of Trustees elections on Sunday
The result of the election is as follows:
President: Ronny Ben-Josef
First Vice President:
Moris Bakhash
Second Vice President:
Shouly Maslavi
Executive Officer: Eddie
Secretary: Verna Rabbie
Treasurer: Eliahou Shamash
Chairman of the Board:
Ronnie Rabbie (outgoing President)
Board of Advisors: Shlomo Bakhash,
Edeed Ben-Josef, Albert Nassim (past presidents)
President of Religious Committee:
to be appointed by the Board
2-year term
Aboody, Elias Hawa, Danny Jiji, Natalie Mashaal, Anis Shashou
4-year term
Gila Aier,
Jacqueline Cohen, Asaf Dror, Samir Kamara, Joey Yadgar
Thank you to
Stella Bahary, Robi Hagooli, and Joyce Reiss for running for office and for their
dedication to the BJC.
Thank you to Edna and
Ezra Mashaal for accepting to receive the ballots and to Jenny Haim and Liza
Nathan for doing a great job counting the votes.

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday
The BJC held it's 8th Board of Trustees elections on Sunday
The results of the election is as follows:
President: Ronny Ben-Josef
First Vice President:
Moris Bakhash
Second Vice President:
Shouly Maslavi
Executive Officer: Eddie
Secretary: Verna Rabbie
Treasurer: Eliahou Shamash
Chairman of the Board:
Ronnie Rabbie (outgoing President)
Board of Advisors: Shlomo Bakhash,
Edeed Ben-Josef, Albert Nassim (past presidents)
President of Religious Committee:
to be appointed by the Board
2-year term
Gila Aizer,
Stella Bahary, Brittany Ben-Josef, Shlomo Hagooli, Hesky Haim
Four year terms
Aboody, Elias Hawa, Danny Jiji, Natalie Mashaal, Anis Shashou
Thank you to
Osnat Basha, Kelly Koukou, and Joyce Reiss for running for office and for their
dedication to the BJC.

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday
The BJC held it's 7th Board of Trustees elections on Sunday 05/16/10
The results of the election is as follows:
President: Ronnie Rabbie
First Vice President: Ronny
Second Vice President: Eddie Nassim
Executive Officer: Morris Bakhash
Secretary: Natalie Mashaal
Treasurer: Eliahou Shamash
Chairman of the Board: Albert Nassim
Board of Advisors: Shlomo Bakhash,
Edeed Ben-Josef, Albert Nassim
President of Religious Committee: Joe
Existing trustees with two years remaining
Elias Hawa, Anis Shashou
New trustees with two year terms
Danny Jiji, Nathan Yadgar
New trustees with four year terms
Aizer, Hesky Haim, Abe Maslavi, Orly Maslavi, Liza Nathan

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday 3/9/08
The BJC held it's 6th Board of Trustees elections on Sunday 3/9/08
The results of the election is as follows:
President: Albert Nassim
1st Vice President: Hesky Haim
2nd Vice President: Abe Maslavi
Executive Officer: Lana Bakhash
Treasurer: Eliahou Shamash
Secretary: Verna Rabbie
Existing trustees with two years remaining
Gila Aizer, Fred Jiji, Joe Jangana, Orly Maslavi
New trustees with four year terms
Alice Aboody, Merav Ben Josef, Jamila Dallal, Elias Hawa, Anis Shashou

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday 2/5/06
The BJC held it's 5th Board of Trustees elections on Sunday 2/5/06.
The results of the election is as follows:
Jacob Maslavi - President
Edeed Ben Josef - 1st VP
Lana Bakhash - 2nd VP
Eliahou Shamash - Treasurer
Verna Rabbie - Secretary
Existing trustees with two years remaining
Alice Aboody, Merav Ben-Josef, Jamila Dallal, Hesky Haim, Anis Shashou
New trustees with four year terms
Gila Aizer, Fred Jiji, Joseph Jangana, Orly Maslavi, Vera Shemel

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday 2/20/04
The BJC held it's 4th Board of Trustees
elections on Sunday 2/20/04.
President: Shlomo Bakhash
1st Vice President: Jacob Maslavi
2nd Vice President: Edeed Ben Josef
Executive Officer: Edna Kamara
Treasurer: Eliahou Shamash
Secretary: Verna Rabbie
Honorary Chairman of
the Board (2 year term): Albert
4 Year Term
Alice Aboody
Merav Ben Josef
Jamila Dallal
Hesky Haim
Anis Shashou
2 Year Term
Gila Aizer
Lana Bakhash
Joe Jangana
Fred Jiji
Dalit Herdoon

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday 2/10/02
The BJC held it's 3rd Board of Trustees
elections on Sunday 2/10/02.
The Third Board of BJC is set as follows:
President: Albert Nassim
1st Vice President: Shlomo Bakhash
2nd Vice President: Jacob Maslavi
Executive Officer: Edeed Ben Josef
Treasurer: Eliahou Shamash
Secretary: Verna Rabbie
8 positions on the Board of Trustees:
4 Year Term
Gila Aizer
Lana Bakhash
Joe Jangana
Fred Jiji
Edna Kamara
2 Year Term
Alice Aboody
Jamila Dallal (previous board)
Hesky Haim
Jamil Heardoon (previous board)
Moshe Nathan

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday
The BJC held it's 2nd Board of Trustees
elections on Sunday 2/13/00.
President: Albert Nassim
1st Vice President: Shlomo Bakhash
2nd Vice President: Jacob Maslavi
Executive Officer: Edeed Ben Josef
Treasurer: Dina Nathan
Secretary: Verna Rabbie
positions on the Board of Trustees:
Isaac Ainatchi, Lana Bakhash, Ronnie
Ben-Josef, Jamila Dallal, Sammy Dallal, Jenny Haim, Jamil Heardoon, Fred Jiji,
Joe Jangana, Edna Kamara, Edna Mashaal, Liza Nathan, Rachel Rabban, Ronnie
Rabbie, Joe Sheena, Moris Zilkha

Board of Trustees Election Results of Sunday
The BJC held it's 1st Board of Trustees
President: Edeed Ben-Josef
1st Vice President: Albert Nassim
2nd Vice President: Shlomo Bakhash
Executive Officer:
Treasurer: Dina Nathan
Secretary: Verna Rabbie
positions on the Board of Trustees:
Isaac Ainatchi, Lana Bakhash, Sammy Dallal, Jenny Haim , Jamil
Heardoon, Joe Jangana, Edna Kamara,
Ronnie Rabbie, Saul Shina