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Tiberius Children




The BJC has been very much involved in helping out the Children Of the Ayalim School in Tiberias.  The Lakeville School in Great Neck also established a pen pal program with those children.  

These pictures were taken at their school showing off the particular little gifts that we had sent them, such as the Lakeville School yearbook, the BJC calendar, etc. They are standing with their teachers, headmaster, and Danny Arbusman (from the committee here in Great Neck). They were all excited to show us what they had received. We are awaiting an interactive video that is to be sent from Lakeville to the Ayalim school to keep up with the Pen pal program.


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440 Great Neck Road
Great Neck, New York 1102

P.O. Box 220224
Great Neck, NY 11022-0224

Tel: (516) 773-9876
e-mail: info@bjcny.org
website:  http://www.bjcny.org

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